Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is hard.

I wrote this on my other blog around a month ago expressing how I felt about a certain situation. Well this feeling is back. I want something that I can't have. 

Life is hard, even though we think we have everything sometimes we are still not fulfilled with what we have. We feel we are not satisfied and want more and more. I don’t know what is making me feel like this. I hate it. I think especially missing someone who you actually care for makes it harder, knowing you can’t have that person with you. That is what is making me feel like I want more. Not having her around is making me feel lonely and depressed. For now I cant do much but pray and ask God to just cover me with his love.

This feeling doesn't let me sleep. I feel lonely, and I don't know how to solve this problem. I hate sounding so emotional and depressed but all I want is you. God please help me find the balance and help me trust in you more daily and forever. Well I will try to go to bed now, Have a happy Tuesday world. 

God bless, 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I just got the new Hillsong United album that is called After Math and here are some of the graphics that are included on this amazing album that I'm absolutely in love with. Everyone should go and get it, it's available in iTunes! Lots of hugs, enjoy your weekend

- Ana Chang

Monday, February 14, 2011

V Day II

So, today is Valentines Day :) Happy Valentines Day to everyone!

Im not going to lie, but I'm the kind of person that loves details! Details are very important in everything, specially in a relationship. Giving little details once in a while makes a difference. Start making everyday your valentines day and don't wait till next year to give your special someone, your mom, your best friend a little gift, chocolates, balloons, flower or a invitation to dinner! For all the boys out there, surprise your girl with something special the day you feel like it, because is not about the presents you buy is with the intention you give. 

I hope everyone is having a great time today, lots of Hugs and God Bless :)

* Ana Chang

Valentines day.

Before you start reading this please believe me I do NOT hate Valentines day. I actually would really enjoy it if I had someone to spend it with, but I'll be honest I just don't get it. I don't get how the world tells us today is the day of love and being in love. Only today is the day you must love your significant other more then yesterday and only today must you give him/her flowers and candy, gifts, and attention. I believe that when you are really in love the date of year is not as important as showing your other half how much you care about them and love them. For Women being detailed is very important, showing and telling them you love them on a daily basis is awesome for them. So I will make sure that when I finally get to see my other half to show her I love her everyday. I will show her my heart, take her out, buy her gifts just because its a Monday not because its Valentines day. If you are with someone this Valentines day good for you, but remember to make sure to show her love tomorrow as much as you showed her today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Yesterday i went to a graduation dinner in Antigua, for those who haven't been in Guatemala, please come and go visit Antigua I'm 100% sure you are going to love it there. Great place to go walk, eat, relax and have a great time with friends and family (GREAT spot for those coffee lovers)! So i wish all of you a great weekend, enjoy what's left of it.

Hugs, God Bless!

PS: I think Josue and I are going to upload a little video very soon, I'm excited! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Introduction Part 3! ;)

Hey Everyone, I wrote the first post and i feel bad that i didn't introduce myself. My name is Ana Chang, I'm a 19 year old fashion design student in Guatemala, a lovely country in Central America. 

First of all I feel a little jealous that my friend Josue Tejada saw the movie Blue Valentine because I'm dying to see it but I think is going to come to Guatemala in a couple of months (sad, i know haha). But let's hope I can see it with Josue, since he knows lots about movies and he is an amazing company. We made this blog because we have a lot of things in common but since we live a little far away from each other we thought about sharing our ideas, lives and tastes in a blog. Hope you guys like it and looking forward for all the great things that are coming, take care. 


PS: You will noticed that i wrote the first post in spanish and this one in english :) sorry about that :) hahaha

Introduction Part II/ Blue Valentine

I'd like to start this post by introducing myself. Hello, I am Josue Tejada a film student who was born and raised in sunny Los Angeles California.  It is three in the morning and I cannot seem to fall asleep. I don't know what is keeping me up, maybe I'm just missing Ana Chang. Tonight I went to the movies alone to see Blue Valentine. I know some of you guys might think "wow, how could you have gone to the movies alone?" But trust me its not that bad. Blue Valentine is a passionate love story about a young married couple who are struggling to stay together for their young daughter. Although the movie was very sad and sometimes hard to watch, the story and the score of the movie was awesome. I would definitely recommend everyone to go watch this movie.  Since it is a Independent film It might not be playing in many theatres but make sure to check the website for theatres closest to you. http://www.bluevalentinemovie.com/

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hola a todos! Este blog se trata de la relación de dos personas que viven en dos partes del mundo distintas. Uno vive en Los Angeles y el otro en Guatemala. Tenemos muchas cosas en común pero al vivir en diferentes partes del mundo hacemos cosas diferentes, aquí podrán ver el recorrido de cada uno de nosotros por los lugares a donde nos gusta ir y las cosas que nos gustan hacer.